Notes from Monday’s Appointment

Are you listening?
I know it’s easy to forget,
but what I’m trying to tell you
is your whole life could be
a trauma symptom.

Are you listening?
The memories left
because it was kinder
that way. The non-remembering
is a side effect
of you.

Are you listening?
Your mind is not an evil;

you have only been made from the world
that’s been let into you.

Are you there, listening?
I don’t want you to forget this:

the roots of something are inside you.
Even if it is a chance, you should take it.

Forget it all if you have to,
dammit, but remember this:

you are a symptom
of a dream
for change.

Hazel J. Hall is a writer and poet powered by caffeine and insulin. Right now, she is pursuing an English degree while working on her first novel. More of Hazel’s work can be found in Dream Noir, Bending Genres Journal and Sage Cigarettes, with other pieces forthcoming or visible at her site,
